
  • Foundation Year
  • International Year One
  • Undergraduate Degree
  • UTP
  • Postgraduate Diploma & Certificates
  • Graduate Programs
  • ELP

Foundation Year

A fast track route to start your undergraduate degree. You can join Foundation year right after O levels, Intermediate & Matric.

International Year One

Thinking of a Gap year? Think again International year one can save your whole one year if you have missed the application deadlines somehow or you scored slightly less in your exams.

Undergraduate Degree

Start your Undergraduate degree in Top Ranked Universities around the world
Choosing the Right Course for UG degree & University is a hectic & confusing process we PROVIDES professional advice and guidance to students and parents through a structured approach.

The entire undergraduate (UG) application process is spread out over a two-year period, during which our Counselling team engages the students through individual meetings to get to know them on a personal level.

TZ consultants Undergraduate program also caters to Foundation, Clearing, Gap-Year, and Credit Transfer applicants. The scope of work changes according to different programs and their application process and requirements.


Have gone through half way of your UG degree & you want to explore international options, you can easily transfer your credits to International Universities & complete your remaining credits. A smart & affordable option to obtain UG degrees from abroad. TOP UP year is a very well accepted course to complete your last year university credits in UK and get whole Undergraduate degree by studying only one year in UK.

Postgraduate Diploma & Certificates

The shorter length of time and lack of research makes PGD/ PGC good for those wishing to gain a practical qualification to advance their careers, rather than perhaps to research a particular area. Due to their length, they’re easier to either take a career break for or to fit around a current job, which is great if your goal is to help with your job.

Graduate Programs

As you completed your undergraduate degree from a local university or in many cases well before it ends, you may have evaluated questions regarding a graduate degree.
We can help you make a more informed decision for graduate education, career plans & potential global employment.


ELP is 4 weeks to 10 weeks English Language Program will give you quick start if you are facing hardship in clearing IELTS or TOEFL.
We have helped candidates from across Pakistan secure top offers across Engineering, Sciences, Management, Social Sciences, Environment, Law, Public Policy, Administration, Fashion, Fine Art and Architecture in USA, Canada, UK, Europe, East Asia and Australia.

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  • First time consultancy charges 1500/- pkr
  • 20% discount for group of 3 or more

Note: Our representative will call you to give slot time
